Why are my heels cracking all of a sudden?

Oh heel no! Cracked heels were not part of the post-baby plan for Heelalujah’s founder Jodie Weerts. In fact, dry, cracked, painful heels weren’t something she ever thought she’d have to deal with. 

Every step Jodie took was accompanied by a wince-inducing jolt of pain. Not to mention the discomfort she felt whenever someone glanced at her flaky, unsightly heels. 

As if all of the adjustments to life with a baby weren’t enough, the pain and annoyance of cracked heels were far from ideal. Why was this happening all of a sudden? 

Cracking the code: What are the signs of cracked heels? 

While the sight of cracked heels might be enough to raise an eyebrow, there are other telltale signs that your heels are less than happy. Here's what to watch out for:

Visual clues:

  • Dry, thickened skin: This is often the first sign of trouble. The skin on your heels may appear rough, scaly, and feel tight.
  • Visible cracks: As the dryness progresses, cracks will start to appear on the surface of the skin. These cracks can vary in depth, from shallow lines to deep fissures.
  • Discolouration: The cracked areas may appear yellowed, white, or even red, depending on the severity.

Discomfort on the move:

  • Pain and tenderness: Cracked heels can be quite painful, especially when putting pressure on them while standing or walking.
  • Itching and burning: The dry, irritated skin can cause itching and burning sensations.
  • Bleeding: In severe cases, deep cracks can bleed, especially if they become snagged on clothing or shoes.

Signs of infection:

While less common, cracked heels can sometimes become infected. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it's important to see a doctor right away:

  • Increased redness, swelling, and warmth around the cracks
  • Pus draining from the cracks
  • Fever

What causes cracked heels?

As Jodie discovered, cracked heels are not just something that comes with age, even though most treatments make us feel that way. At Heelalujah, we’ve done away with that stereotype. 

Turns out, cracked heels are a common problem and can range from unsightly to extremely painful. Typically they involve painful, cracked, flaking, sore red heels that can be triggered by several things. So what causes cracked heels? 

Cracked heels happen when the skin around your heels becomes dry and thick, and the increased pressure from the fat pad underneath causes the skin to split and crack. 

In Jodie’s case, there were probably some post-pregnancy-related causes; staying on her feet far longer than usual trying to get her newborn to sleep was a big one. 

For those of us who suddenly find our heels cracking for no apparent reason, there can be several causes, such as:


Dehydrated, dry skin is the most common cause of cracked heels. When your skin loses moisture, it becomes less flexible and more prone to cracking, especially in areas that bear a lot of weight, like your heels. 

From sandal-wearing in summer to those long hot, decadent, but dehydrating soaks in winter, dry skin on your feet is a year-round problem. 

Along with keeping your heels hydrated, it’s important to use a foot-specific moisturiser as the skin on your heels and feet is thicker and tougher than elsewhere on your body; it needs the right kind of nourishment to keep it hydrated. 


Being on your feet for hours puts pressure on your heels and feet, causing them to crack. If standing for hours is new in your routine, this could cause your suddenly cracked heels. Your feet may need extra care while getting used to your new normal, including taking time to grab a seat and keeping hydrated. 


Improper footwear — we love high heels and a sandal —but both can be causes of cracked heels and improperly fitting footwear. Constantly rubbing your heels against shoes, especially open-backed sandals or those made of harsh materials, can irritate the skin and contribute to cracks.

Improperly fitted shoes-think of those shoes that you love but give you blisters (we’ve all got a pair!) can also cause cracked heels due to the pressure and excessive rubbing. 

Taking long, hot showers

While a hot shower might sound relaxing, it can actually strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and vulnerable to cracks.


Dry cracked heels are not just a problem for older folks, but as we age, our skin naturally loses some of its elasticity, making it more prone to dryness and cracking.

Medical issues

If you are struggling with medical issues such as diabetes, hypothyroidism or psoriasis, these can cause cracked heels. For any post-menopausal woman, you may find your skin more prone to dryness and cracking due to acquired keratoderma. If you suffer from any medical illness or think you may be, we recommend seeing your doctor before starting any cracked heel treatment.   

One of the above causes, or a combination of a few, can lead to painful cracked heels. It starts with dry skin, then discomfort while standing, soreness and redness, flaky skin, and even bleeding if the cracks aren’t addressed and become too large. 

Pro Tip: If your feet continue to become cracked and plagued with dry skin and heels we recommend seeing a doctor to rule out any fungal infections such as Athlete's Foot. 

"I don't know what type of sorcery Heelalujah has been using, but their heel balm worked all sorts of magic on my heels. My heels are soft, zero cracks, no rough and tough spots."
— Manisha P. 


How do you treat painful cracked heels? 

Cracked heels can occur at any age and stage, so it’s important to know how to fix cracked heels at home. We wanted to make a treatment for them that’d still allow you to kick your heels up and head out instead of being stuck home using an embarrassing foot cream.

Before Heelalujah, treating cracked heels usually involved a trip to the chemist and a beeline to that area next to “orthopaedic shoes”. Then you would cycle through the range of foot treatment creams hoping that one of them would be the answer. You’d sacrifice many socks along the way to avoid getting lotion all over your floors or washing greasy sheets. 

The good news is it’s easy to treat at home without feeling gross and greasy. 

Heelalujah is a 3-step foot care system to treat cracked heels at home. 

No more sacrificing socks to a night of wearing them over your moisturiser, messy sheets in the morning, or greasy hands and footprints everywhere. 

We’ve incorporated the traditional cracked heel treatments of exfoliation, hydration and our special silicone heel socks to lock in the moisture while you remain footloose and fancy-free.

The Heelalujah way of treating cracked heels is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 

  1. Use the pumice stone provided to gently remove excess flaky skin from the area.
  2. Roll on the deeply nourishing Heelajuah foot balm designed by our skin specialist specifically for feet. (No greasy hands!)
  3. Slip on our comfy Heelalujah Healing Sockettes (this is where the true magic steps in). 

Our Healing Sockettes features a high-tech silicone lining in the heel, so your balm stays where it should help heels heal faster. 

We’ve designed it so you can get up and go, hit the gym or pilates class, wear it to work, and wander around your house feeling fabulous. 

It’s also got a non-slip grip sole, making it perfect to wear on its own or pop over socks and jog on to your next appointment. 

This is foot cream for cracked heels that works because it’s a complete system that fits into and compliments your lifestyle. How many foot treatments can say that? 

How can I prevent cracked heels?

Preventing cracked heels is the best treatment of all. Here are some easy ways to keep your feet looking and feeling great:

  • Ditch those “don’t quite fit but look great” shoes and go for footwear that fits.
  • Make moisturising with a heel cream part of your daily routine. 
  • Take a few minutes off your feet if you stand for long hours. if you can’t avoid standing up for long hours, make sure to give yourself some time out to put your feet up and relax. 
  • Ensure you wear supportive shoes (we love Frankie 4 and Bared for stylish shoes designed to keep feet happy— not a promo, just some free love). 
  • Keep the long hot showers to a minimum. If you can’t give them up, make sure to use a foot creme afterwards.
  • Keep that pumice stone handy and regularly exfoliate your feet. 
  • At the first sign of unhappy heels, rub on some Heelalujah Heel Balm, pop on our Healing Sockettes and treat those heels to some love. Go on — you deserve it! 

Heel YES to healing!

Your heels can start cracking for a multitude of reasons, and it’s something all of us can suffer from at any age. Cracked heels can be painful, irritating and embarrassing, but they don’t have to be. 

Say ‘Heel Yes’ to Heelalujah, the #1 Australian at-home miracle treatment for cracked, flaky, painful heels. 

See the results for yourself


FAQs about what causes cracked heels 

Q: How long does it take for cracked heels to heal?

A: With proper care, most cracked heels can heal within a few weeks. Some Heelalujah users report their cracked heels healing within a matter of days. However, if they are severe or caused by an underlying medical condition, it may take longer.

Q: Can I put lotion on cracked heels?

A: While regular lotion can help hydrate the skin around the cracks, it may not be thick enough to effectively penetrate and heal the cracks themselves. Look for a specifically formulated cracked heel cream like Heelalujah for better results.

Q: What are some home remedies for cracked heels?

A: While there are many home remedies for cracked heels, it's important to note that they are not always effective and may even irritate the skin. It's always best to use a foot-specific heel cream or consult a doctor or podiatrist before trying any home remedies.

Q: Should I wear socks to bed if I have cracked heels?

A: Wearing socks to bed can help keep your feet moisturised overnight, which can be beneficial for healing cracked heels. Two of the biggest barriers to this are the mess of smearing foot cream all over your bed sheets and experiencing hot feet during the night. That’s why we developed our toeless silicone Heeling Sockettes, which keep the Heelalujah balm on your heels (not your sheets) and let your feet breathe during the night.