How to fix cracked heels permanently at home

Cracked heels can be a real drag. They're not only unsightly, but they can also be painful, especially when walking or standing for long periods. If you're currently in heel hell, the good news is — you don't have to suffer in silence. With a little TLC, you can fix cracked heels permanently at home.

This guide will equip you with everything you need to tackle cracked heels and prevent them from returning. We'll delve into the causes of cracked heels, explore effective home treatments and when to see a professional. Here's to long-lasting foot health.

What are cracked heels?

Cracked heels happen when the skin on the bottom of your foot becomes thick and dry. Over time this skin cracks and splits under the pressure of everyday use. If left for too long, what starts as an unsightly-looking heel can become painful, cause deep fissures and lead to other issues.

What causes cracked heels?

Creator of Heelalujah, Jodie Weerts, started experiencing painful, cracked heels during pregnancy. But, the causes of cracked heels are many and varied. Here are some of the most common culprits. 

  • Dry skin caused by weather (we're looking at you Aussie summer!), taking too many long hot showers (sorry, sad but true) or lack of hydration. 
  • Standing or being on your feet for long periods of time, especially during pregnancy when there is more pressure on your feet. 
  • Friction from walking or wearing shoes that don't fit well. 
  • Lack of moisturising, especially during the winter months when you wear more closed-toe shoes and boots. This is why it's so important to exfoliate your heels on a regular basis to keep the top layer of skin soft and smooth. (Note: If you have dry skin or live in an area with low humidity during the winter, try using a moisturiser before going out.)
  • Ageing can be another factor. As we age, our feet naturally become drier due to decreased blood flow. This can exacerbate cracked heels if not treated properly.
  • Other medical conditions such as diabetes and eczema.* 

What are the symptoms of cracked heels?

Spotting the symptoms of cracked heels is easy, as the earliest occurring symptoms are usually visible. Cracked heels are dry and rough, and the skin on your heel can change in colour, usually going from red to white or yellow as it dries out over time. Your cracked heels can also be painful depending on how severe they are. 

Most commonly, cracked heels become itchy, sore and tender to the touch. Preventing cracked heels from becoming too serious or painful is important and, luckily, can be easily done at home or on the go. 

We know life’s too busy to sit around waiting for sticky creams to dry on your feet. Likewise, re-washing your bedding from last night's foot treatment which did a great job on your sheets but less so on your feet, is a task you can do without. 

How to fix cracked heels at home permanently

In most cases, with the right products and foot care routine, you can fix cracked heels at home. 

When she developed Heelalujah, Jodie took the basic steps for healing cracked heels at home and made them, well, better!

It's a simple 3-step routine that's super easy to follow and delivers incredible results.

heelalujah kit

Step 1: Soak and exfoliate (pumice)

Fill a basin with warm (not hot) water and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. This softens dry skin and prepares it for exfoliation. After soaking, gently buff your heels with the pumice stone.  Focus on removing dead skin but avoid scrubbing harshly. Pat your feet dry thoroughly.

Step 2: Moisturise (Heeling Balm)

Regularly applying a rich, specially-formulated heel cream is vital to tackle cracks and dry skin on your feet. Jodie tried a bunch of existing heel creams to fix her own feet, but nothing worked. 

More than your average balm, Heelalujah's miracle cracked heel cream is full of gentle yet highly-effective ingredients, like  natural ingredients of Urea, Vitamin E, Zinc, Shea Butter and Peppermint oil, that soothe and repair cracked, dry skin.

Step 3: Heeling Sockettes (Silicone Heel Socks) 

The previously overlooked final step is to lock that rich moisture into your heels to nourish and enrich the affected areas, and prevent it from transferring to your floors and sheets (heel yes!). To achieve this, Jodie had a stroke of genius — Heelalujah Heeling Sockettes — toeless socks with a soft, silicone heel pad.

This is healing magic on the go. The Sockettes keep your feet covered and comfortable so you can wear them at night, out and about or wherever you want. This is healing heels for busy people. 

    Other pro tips for preventing cracked heels at home

    Once you've taken your tootsies from ewww (or oww!) to whoo!, a bit of regular maintenance will keep them looking and feeling fabulous. Here's how to prevent cracked heels happening again. 
    • Ensure your footwear fits well and supports you. If you are on your feet a lot, choose a supportive and podiatrist-recommended brand.
    • Stay hydrated, especially during very warm weather. 
    • Treat those feet — we take them for granted, but they carry us through life. If you are standing all day, take a seat now and then. 
    • Soak and exfoliate your feet at least once a week to stay on top of dry skin. 
    • Make sure moisturising becomes a part of your skincare routine. Remember, your feet are as important as your face! Choosing a specially formulated cracked heel cream like Heelalujah is a great start. 
    • If you have a medical condition known to exacerbate this problem, stay on top before it becomes serious. We know managing ailments is tricky, but this is worth doing before your heels crack. 

    When to see a podiatrist

    While in most cases, it's possible to fix cracked heels at home, there are situations where seeking professional help from a podiatrist is recommended. Here's a breakdown of conditions that warrant a podiatrist's expertise:

    1. Persistent or severe cracks

    If your cracked heels persist for several weeks despite consistent home care, it's best to see a podiatrist. Deep cracks can be painful and increase your risk of infection. A podiatrist can assess the severity and recommend a personalised treatment plan. 

    2. Underlying medical conditions

    As mentioned earlier, cracked heels can sometimes be indicative of underlying health issues, like diabetes, eczema and psoriasis and fungal infections. If you suspect this might be the case, a podiatrist can help identify the root cause and recommend appropriate treatment in conjunction with your doctor. 

    3. Bleeding cracks

    If you experience severe pain when walking or putting pressure on your heels, or if your cracks bleed readily, seek professional help from a podiatrist. 

    4. Difficulty managing at home

    If you find it challenging to manage your cracked heels due to limited mobility, vision problems or other factors, a podiatrist can offer valuable assistance.

    Banish dry, cracked heels for good 

    So many of us struggle with painful, unsightly heels, but it doesn't have to be an embarrassing secret. Heelalujah is an innovative and highly effective healing solution that fits into your lifestyle. Whether you’re strapping on a pair of heels for a night out or lacing up your runners for a long run, treat those feet with the TLC they deserve. 

      FAQs about how to fix cracked heels at home

      How can I soften cracked heels?  

      Depending on the severity you can soften cracked heels using a foot balm such as Heelalujah daily for 7-14 days, then once a week.  

      Can a pedicure help cracked heels? 

      It depends on the severity of your cracked heels, but it’s generally not recommended. The exfoliation that occurs in a pedicure will help remove the dead skin. But to repair the moisture imbalance in your skin you’ll need to apply a balm formulated over a few days or weeks for best results.

      What’s the best foot cream for cracked heels in Australia? 

      Heelalujah! We don’t mean to toot our own horn, but as an Australian-owned and made company that uses natural ingredients, we are it. We worked hard to create the perfect balm with our Heelalujah silicone sockettes, so your feet soak in the nourishment they need. Not on your sheets.

      What are the best cracked-heel socks? 

      The Heelalujah Heeling Sockettes, not just because we make it (though that too), but because it does so much more than your average sock. It’s designed with a high-tech silicone heel lining so our balm soaks deep into your skin, not our sock. Wear it to bed, to work, to work out or to relax and watch TV. Our cracked heels socks are designed for all occasions, so you can heel wherever you need to. 

      How long does it take to heal cracked heels?

      The time is takes cracked heels to heal varies depending on the products and treatment routine. With consistent care, you can see noticeable improvement within a week. Many Heelalujah customers report improvement in a matter of days to 1-2 weeks. However, complete healing might take 4-6 weeks depending on the severity.

      Can cracked heels bleed?

      Deep cracks, especially when not treated, can bleed. If this occurs, stop using harsh scrubs and consult a doctor for wound care advice.