How to prevent cracked heels: Your ultimate guide

Cracked heels got you down? You're not alone! Dry, painful cracks can be unsightly and downright uncomfortable. If your feet feel like they’ve trekked across the Nullarbor, it’s time to take preventative action. With a little TLC and the right know-how, you can kiss those cracks goodbye and makeup with your favourite summer shoes. 

Let's dive into the world of cracked heel prevention and get your feet looking fabulous again.   

What are cracked heels?

Think of cracked heels or heel fissures like thirsty soil – without enough moisture, they become dry, brittle, and eventually crack. These cracks can be shallow or deep, causing a range of symptoms that can put a damper on your day. Here's what to watch out for:

  • Dry, thickened skin: Dryness is often the first sign of trouble! Your heels might feel rough and sandpapery, with areas of thicker, hardened skin.
  • Visible cracks: As the dryness worsens, cracks start to appear. These can be shallow and painless at first but can deepen and become quite sore.
  • Pain and discomfort: Stepping on cracked heels can feel like walking on pebbles, especially with deeper cracks. You might also experience stinging or burning sensations.
  • Bleeding: Deep cracks can sometimes bleed, especially if they become irritated or infected.
  • Redness and inflammation: In severe cases, the skin around the cracks might become red and inflamed, indicating potential infection.
  • Itching: Dry, cracked skin can be itchy, making it hard to resist the urge to scratch, which can further irritate the area.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms — don't wait — taking action early can help prevent the cracks from worsening and causing further discomfort.

What causes cracked heels?

You might be asking yourself: Why are my feet cracking all of a sudden? The culprits behind cracked heels are many, but understanding them is key to prevention. Here's a closer look at some of the most common causes:

  • Dryness: This is the main culprit! The skin on your heels lacks oil glands, making it naturally prone to dryness, especially in cold, dry climates or with frequent hot showers.
  • Pressure and friction: Standing or walking for long periods, especially on hard surfaces, puts pressure on your heels, contributing to dryness and cracking. Ill-fitting shoes that rub against your heels can also worsen the problem.
  • Lack of moisture: Not only from showering, but also neglecting to moisturise your feet regularly can strip them of their natural oils, leading to dryness and cracking.
  • Medical conditions: Certain underlying conditions like eczema, diabetes, and thyroid problems can affect skin health and contribute to cracked heels.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies in vitamins like A, B, and E can impact skin health and increase the risk of dryness and cracking.
  • Age: As we age, our skin naturally becomes thinner and drier, making us more susceptible to cracked heels.
  • Genetics: Some people are simply predisposed to drier skin, making them more prone to cracked heels.


"For years, I've been embarrassed by rough, thick and cracked skin on my heels. This beautiful balm and sock combo has completely transformed my feet. A genuine miracle if you ask my other half! THANK YOU Heelalujah, I'm converted."
- Jenna S. 

How to prevent cracked heels

We’re just going to come out and say it: Feet are as important as faces! They carry us around every day and deserve the same care and attention we give to our cheeks and lips and eyebrows and all the other facey bits. 

Before we dive into specific seasonal tips, let's lay some groundwork for year-round heel happiness. These essential practices will serve as your foundation for healthy, crack-free heels, no matter the weather. 

Moisturise religiously

This is the golden rule! Apply a rich foot cream specifically formulated for heels, like Heelalujah's miracle cracked heel cream. Pay special attention to the driest areas and massage the cream thoroughly.

Exfoliate gently

Once a week, gently remove dead skin cells with a pumice stone, like the one in our Heelalujah Kit or foot file. Be gentle – you don't want to irritate the skin further.

Choose your footwear wisely

Opt for well-fitting, closed-toe shoes that offer good support and avoid excessive rubbing. Ditch flip-flops and open-toed shoes for extended periods, especially outdoors.

Hydrate from within

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. Aim for eight glasses a day, and adjust based on your activity level and climate.

Treat yourself to foot soaks

Pamper your feet with warm (not hot!) foot soaks once a week. Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or tea tree for an extra relaxing touch.

Address underlying conditions

If you have a medical condition that contributes to dry skin, consult your doctor to manage it effectively.

By incorporating these simple steps into your daily routine, you'll create a strong foundation for preventing cracked heels all year round. Now, let's explore some additional tips to tackle the unique challenges of summer and winter...

Summer foot care tips

  • Up the hydration: Glug down plenty of water in summer – your heels (and your whole body) will thank you!
  • Sock it to them: Cotton socks lock in moisture, especially at night. Bonus points for pampering yourself with our super-soft, silicone Heelalujah Heeling Sockettes. Because they’re toeless, you can wear them to bed, even on hot nights or with your favourite sandals. 

Winter foot care tips

  • Ditch the long showers: Opt for warm, not hot, showers and limit bath time to keep your natural oils intact.
  • Humidify your home: Dry air sucks moisture from your skin. Invest in a humidifier to add some TLC to the atmosphere.
  • Choose wisely: Opt for closed-toe shoes that protect your heels from the elements.
  • Layer up: Wear socks and comfy shoes, even indoors, to keep your tootsies toasty and hydrated.

How does Heelalujah work? 

Designed by Aussie mum and entrepreneur Jodie Weerts, Heelalujah is a simple 3-step foot care routine that delivers incredible results — even on those deep, stubborn cracks. 

After trying all the existing cracked heel products on the market with no success, like all mums, Jodie decided to get the job done herself. 

She developed the Heelalujah Kit, which comes with a pumice, a stick of Heelalujah Balm and a pair of silicone Heeling Sockettes. Here’s how it works. 

1. Soak, exfoliate, relax 

Go on, you deserve it. Soak your feet in warm water and gently exfoliate them using the pumice to remove dry, dead skin. Extra points for making time to read a chapter of your favourite book or closing your eyes for five minutes and taking deep breaths.

2. Apply Heelalujah balm 

Rub the soothing balm onto your heels. It’s formulated with quality natural ingredients of Urea, Vitamin E, Zinc, Shea Butter and Peppermint oil, so it’s gentle and smells delish. Jodie designed the balm in a handy roll-up stick so you can apply it straight to your heels without getting sticky fingers. 

3. Wear the Heeling Sockettetes 

One of the main problems with existing heel creams is the mess they cause and the loss of moisture onto every surface you touch. Jodie designed the Heeling Sockettes with a silicone heel so they keep the balm exactly where it needs to be (on your heels), rather than on your floors, shoes and sheets. 

They’re also toeless, so you can wear them at night without getting hot, to your favourite yoga or pilates class or under your favourite shoes. 

Cracked heel prevention: Mistakes to avoid

While you're on your journey to happy, healthy heels, it's important to be mindful of potential pitfalls. Here are some common mistakes to avoid, ensuring your efforts bear fruit and your heels stay crack-free:

Ignoring the problem

We get it, life gets busy! But remember, early intervention is key. Don't wait for painful cracks to appear before taking action. Address dryness and thickening skin early on to prevent them from worsening. Remember, prevention is always cheaper (and less painful!) than treatment.


While removing dead skin is important, too much of a good thing can be bad. Stick to gentle exfoliation with a pumice stone or foot file once a week. Excessive scrubbing can irritate the skin and worsen the problem.

Harsh soaps and chemicals

Ditch the harsh soaps and chemical-laden products that can strip your skin of its natural oils. Opt for a gentle cracked heel cream like Heelalujah, which is specifically formulated for sensitive skin. Remember, your feet deserve the same TLC as your face!

DIY disasters

Leave serious cracks or concerns to the professionals. Podiatrists are the foot experts, trained to diagnose and treat cracked heels effectively. Don't risk making things worse with blades or scrapers that may not be suitable for your specific case.

Neglecting your diet 

What you eat can impact your skin health. Ensure you're getting enough essential vitamins and nutrients like A, B, and E, which contribute to healthy skin. Consider incorporating fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats into your diet for overall skin health, including your heels.

How long does it take for cracked heels to heal?

If you’re currently in heel hell, you’ll probably be asking: How long do cracked heels take to heel? With consistent care, using products like Heelalujah, most cracks heal within days or weeks. 

But remember, prevention is key! By following these tips, you can keep your heels smooth, healthy, and sandal-ready all year round.

How to prevent dry, cracked heels like a pro

Cracked heels can be a pain in the, well, HEEL! But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little effort and the right products, you can say goodbye to cracked heels and hello to fabulous feet. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Taking the time to treat your feet is an investment that pays out big rewards. 

Check out our customer gallery of before and afters to see some incredible tootsie transformations. 

FAQs for preventing cracked heels 

Are cracked heels painful?

Yes, they can be, especially deep cracks.

Can cracked heels be serious? Do I need to see a doctor?

While usually not serious, consult a doctor for deep, bleeding, or persistent cracks, especially if you have diabetes.

What are the best home remedies for cracked heels?

Using a specially designed foot care system like Heelalujah is a game-changer to fix cracked heels permanently at home. Gently exfoliating with the pumice followed by our rich cracked heel balm, then locking all the goodness in with our Heeling Sockettes can heal even the most stubborn cracks. 

Do foot soaks really help cracked heels? 

Warm foot soaks can soften the skin, but moisturising afterwards and using silicon heel socks are crucial to lock in moisture.

Should I exfoliate my cracked heels? If so, how often?

Yes, but gently! Once a week with a pumice stone is enough.

What shoes should I wear to prevent cracked heels?

Opt for well-fitting, closed-toe shoes that support your heels. Avoid shoes that rub or irritate.